Ski/Snowboard Program 22-23
Chaperones: please complete this packet and return to central office with a photo ID ASAP.
Please contact Katie Cochran with any questions at 766-2276 or
Step 1: Click here to: Sign Up to be a Chaperone
Step 2: Click here for: Chaperone Paperwork
We are happy to announce that NCUJHS will be participating in the Jay Peak Ski/Snowboard Program this winter!
Enrolled students will come to school on the below listed program dates ready for a fun day on the slopes! Students are welcome to bring their gear with them to school on these days. Rental equipment is also available as needed.
All students that would like to participate in this program must complete all below indicated items.
To complete enrollment,
All Students must complete:
STEP 1: Jay Peak Downhill Ski/SB Trip Student Enrollment Form 22-23
Parents must:
Attend the mandatory parent meeting on November 15, 2022 at 6:00 p.m.
Complete the Assumption of Risk Waiver for Jay Peak, found here. (Due: December 1st)
Complete the Rental Assumption of Risk Waiver for Jay Peak, found here. (Due: December 1st)
Complete the NCUJHS Permission Form, found here:
The week before the trip, students can sign up through Dashboard indicating that they are interested in participating in the next trip. As a reminder, we will announce at the beginning of the week for students to sign up. The deadline to sign up is Friday by 3:00pm, the week before the trip. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Students that do not complete the form in the time given will not be eligible to participate in the trip.
Meal Selection
Meal selection will be done during sign-ups for the trip. One of the questions asked will be “Do you need a bag lunch?”
Students are allowed to bring money to buy food in the cafeteria in the lodge at Jay, however, students will not be permitted to purchase energy drinks. If the student does buy an energy drink, it will be confiscated by the staff.
To participate in this program, all students must follow the below-indicated rules.
Winter Gear
All students must bring appropriate outdoor wear:
Winter jacket
Ski pants
Face mask
The school does not bring extra outdoor winter gear on the trip. If anything is forgotten, it is the student’s responsibility to check in with the nurse’s office to see if they have any extra gear as soon as they get to school, prior to loading the buses at 8:30AM.
Students that do not have appropriate outdoor wear will either be left at school or will be required to stay in the lodge
Season Pass, if applicable
All students must bring their Jay Peak Season Pass (if they have one).
Students that have, but do not bring their season pass may be required to stay in the lodge if there are no extra tickets available this day.
Students that do not have a season pass can still attend with a suggested donation of $6/lift ticket and $6/rentals.
Arrival at Jay Peak
Students should arrive at school no later than 8:20, check in to their morning TA, then proceed to the cafeteria.
School staff will assign students to small groups with either a school staff member or a parent chaperone.
Students will board buses with their assigned group and chaperone.
Please be aware that students will return back to school around 3 pm and will be able to take their regularly scheduled transportation home.
Private Transport
When students sign up for the ski trip, there will be a question that asks “Parent Drop Off”/Parent Pick up”. Parents do not need to notify the school unless something changes after the student has signed up.
Before students are dismissed at the mountain, parents need to sign their student out with the Lodge chaperone (Sarah Comtois)
Students who are being transported by a parent/guardian should arrive at Stateside Base lodge no later than 9:00AM to be checked in and assigned to their group.
Any students that visit the Planning Room in the week prior to the trip (Wednesday-Wednesday), or was suspended the week prior to the trip, will be ineligible to attend this trip. (i.e. will not go on trip)
Students must have no more than 2 items on Callback in order to attend the ski trip
Students must follow all school rules while off campus.
Students must stay with their assigned chaperone and group on, and off the mountain. If there is a group member that is slower than you, please move to the side of the trail and wait for other students and chaperones. Chaperones will be reporting back to Mrs. Hilliker if there are any issues.
Students should not be socializing with students from other schools or public guests.
Students must clean up after themselves in the lodge/cafeteria area.
If students do not follow the behavior rules, they will spend the rest of the day in the lodge.
**Students are responsible for making up any work missed due to ski/snowboard trips**
We are accepting donations up to $13/program date for all students
to help defray costs associated with these programs.