Our Mission

To be a community that shares the responsibility for the intellectual and personal development of all learners within an environment of trust, safety and respect.


Dear NCUJHS Students, Families, and Community Members,

As a PBIS School, we value your knowledge and input on the PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Support) program at NCUJHS. The perspective of our whole community is important. We created this survey to provide us a benchmark of understanding about our program and give you the opportunity to share ideas.

Please complete the following brief survey (approximately 5 minutes) to share your feedback.

Thank you,


January 6 - Sign Ups Open for Jay Peak Trip on 1/14

January 14 - Jay Peak Ski/SB Field Trip

January 20 - MLK, Jr Day (school closed)

January 21 - Sign Ups Open for Jay Peak Trip on 1/28

January 27 - Interact Animal Shelter Field Trip

January 28 - Jay Peak Ski/SB Field Trip